Has anyone ever asked
you, Do you believe in predestination? What was your reply? Or have you ever asked that question yourself? I know when I first gave my heart to Jesus, someone had asked me how a God who was supposed to love the world predestine a certain one to heaven or hell. Well even though I was just made a new creature in Christ I Knew in my heart that my God would not under any circumstances predestine someone to hell. But yet I didn't have an answer. So I looked up some scripture that was discussed. Ephesians 1:5,9,&11-Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, (9)-Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according
to His good pleasure which He hath purposed in Himself: (11)-In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the council of His own
will. To these people those passages sounded like He chose certain ones and then gave them everything. So I prayed and I studied. And I was really startin to get discouraged. Because when you look at the scripture with a carnal mind that's pretty much what you get out of it. So I prayed harder. And I sought God even more on the subject. I asked Him to remove any
blinders that I might be wearing. Here's another one, if looked at through carnal minds would lead one to believe this way.Ephesians1:4-According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love. Now what are you thinking? Well Pam do you believe in predestination or not is it just for a few and then
not others. Well all I can say to the last is most definitely not. And to the first yes I do believe in predestination. But not as some may think I do. Anybody
confused. I'm not trying to confuse anyone, just trying to enlighten some and agree with others. Look at Romans8:30-Moreover whom He did predestinate, them He also called, them He also justified: And whom He justified, them He also glorified. And Romans9:23-And that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had afore prepared unto glory. I read these scriptures over and
over. Then the revelation came to me one day me and my son were riding along, And out of the blue he said,
"mom is there such a thing as people being predestined for hell". And the words seemed to just flow. No,I said God has prepared and predestined every soul ever born of a good life. He says that if we will accept His gift of salvation, and give our wills over to Him. The we can begin to live the life that He has predestined for each of us. If we'll put our own wills away we'll yearn for God's will in our lives. So yes we were all predestined, but we were all predestined to a life God has prepared for us. It involves salvation and the acceptance of God's own son. If you are a sinner on your way to hell, let me assure you here and now, that's not the life God has predestined for you. If you'll accept Jesus Christ in your heart you can start living the true life that's
been predestined just for you. Because God knows you, loves you, and cares what happens to you. But God won't force you, He is a true Gentleman. He's given you a will. You can choose to accept His
will for your life or go with your own. So now it's up to you to choose a predestined good life with eternal rewards, your own way and an eternity in hell. Please feel free to
email me if any questions arise.
Written By: Pam