About Me
Hi, Glad you could stop by. I've had my computer
for about a year and a half now.
I was able to buy it soon after my mom requested
prayer for God to make a way for me
to get one. I started my God given web site
a week later with the help of my mom.
She has two web sites and a graphics site.
This background is one of hers as
is my first page and most of the pages
on my site I just love her work.
I've been through many things since
the Lord has blessed me with my computer.
I started my site in April of 2000,
and it seems like the devil has been
on the war path ever since. First I had two wisdom
teeth extracted, and some
may think big deal,
well the oral surgeon gave me to much of
the local anesthetic,
and it took me forever to come around.
My sister who went with me said
that the nurse told her it was unusual
that they had to actually hold some
one up after surgery. Thank God for
my sister Trish. It took her and my
sister-in-law Lori when we finally
got home to actually carry me
in the house. Then Trish stayed
at my house for a couple of days
afterwards to help me with my
two small children. She also
has a web site. Victorious Battles.
By her staying it saved my husband
from having to take off work those
two days. Another thing I lost weight
rapidly for no apparent reason.
Between June and September of 2000
I went from 119 to 94 pounds.
My doctor ran test after test.
CT scans and all kinds of blood work.
Till finally he had an MRI ordered
which showed legions on my brain.
End result Multiple Sclorios.
But just when I was in despair
and thought there was no way out
I was visiting a site of a wonderful
person I had the pleasure to meet
over the internet. Tabatha
she also has a very beautiful
and uplifting site. Any way I
was in her site when the Lord spoke
to me and told me I was going
to be healed. It's now one year later
and the devils been badgering
me where's God promise?
And at times I must say I grow weak.
So to his badgering all I can say
devil is God does not lie and God's
promises are true! I will wait upon
the Lord for the manifestation of
my healing because I already
know it's going to happen in
God's time not mine!
The Lord
has blessed me and my little family
through all of this with a home of
our own. My husband and I have
been married six years and we
have two beautiful daughters
ages five and two years old.
And now we have been able to
buy a home. So I just want to
take a moment and say
Thank You Jesus!
I'm okay and I'm on my way!